10 Amazing Facts About Butterflies

Love Lohiwal

Butterflies are interesting and stunning insects that can be divided into various classifications. Here are 10 facts that are simply staggering and are about these gorgeous beings!

Adapted To A Human Body Temperature

In layman's language, butterflies are unable to fly if the temperature is too low for them! This is because butterflies are cold blooded and depend on the sun to warm their bodies.

Of Their Feet, We Cannot Forget

As humorous as that seems, it is a fascinating fact and a much-needed educational fact. The taste sensors located in a butterfly’s feet allow it to ‘taste’ the leaves it lands on.

Live Fast, Die Young

Most butterfly types live not much more than some 4-5 weeks at the maximum, Monarch butterflies compete in this division reaching 9 full months lifespan.

World-Class Vacationers

For instance, does one know that a Monarch butterfly migrates about 3000 miles every year? What a travel enthusiast!

Eye For Detail

It is fascinating to also note that, while most of us cannot see such colors as ultraviolet light, butterflies see that color. It gives them significant advantages in locating food or mates.

Wings & Strong Wings They Are For Sure

Every butterfly’s wings beat between 5 to 20 times per second enabling the owner butterfly to get away quickly and safely from predators.

A Life Cycle of Transformation

There are four developmental stages of butterflies: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult stage. They depict complete metamorphic changes.

Scales on Wings

The tiny scales that are responsible for the colors and patterns of the wings cover the surface of butterfly wings.

Sensitivity to Climate

Due to the fact that butterflies are sensitive to climate changes, they serve as beneficial bioindicators of the state of the environment.

Hundreds of Species

Currently around 20 000 kinds of butterflies are known, all differing in color, shape, and behavior.

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