Being the largest mammals, capture our attention instantly, as every one of them weighs about 6 tons. Proud of their prominent size, elephants also appear in many indigenous myths, in ancient religions, and even within art.
Largest Land Animals
Elephants are the largest land mammal on the planet, with the African elephant having weighs that can exceed a whopping 12,000 pounds. The size alone is enough to render them as true giants amongst the animal kingdom.
Powerful Memory
There is a perception that “an elephant never forgets”, it turns out that this is not entirely wrong! Such animals have even superior memories enabling them to remember place, individuals, and other elephants for fifty years.
Complex Social Bonds
Elephants are highly social animals, living in families that consist of multiple generations, and exhibit significant attachment to one another, sharing love, grief, and even games.
Long Pregnancy
Elephants have the longest gestation period of any land animal, which lasts for approximately 22 months. As a result, a baby elephant is actually a well developed and self sustaining being.
Trunks Are Multi-Tools
Each of their trunks is composed of more than 40,000 muscles, making it possible for them to perform complex activities. Similar to a hand, the elephant’s trunk acts as a mouth, being able to spray and pick up food.
Gentle Giants with Sharp Minds
Elephants possess an enormous intellect which allows them to solve various problems, and even introspect, something uncommon for most animals.
Habitat Builders
Elephants are key players in the development of the ecosystem. These animals are able to create space, facilitating access to food, helping different species.
Can Communicate Across Miles
Researchers have identified that elephants communicate with one another through low-frequency rumbles; the sounds can be heard miles away, allowing them to remain in contact even when separated by long distances.
Natural Swimmers
Elephants love water! The animals are instinctive swimmers and employ their trunks as snorkels, thus appearing to be rather elegant while submerged.
Endangered Yet Protected
Unfortunately, elephants are subject to threats because of poaching as well as loss of habitat. Therefore, these conservation efforts are quite important for future generations to be able to enjoy these majestic animals.
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