10 Scorpion Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

Love Lohiwal

Scorpions are wonderful animals that have existed for millions of years! Here are 10 remarkable facts that not only set these arachnids apart but also make them quite interesting.

The Oldest of Them All

Scorpions have existed for over 400 million years, making them one of the oldest known land animals.Even the Earth’s mass extinction events didn’t manage to wipe them out.

They Produce Light

Scorpions glow under UV light, this appends them with blue green hues. Some researchers believe this is useful to help them see, avoid enemies, or even socialize.

Killing Venom

Not all scorpions are fatal, but there are some species who possess venom potent enough to kill. That said, most scorpions’ stings are not deadly to a person.

Tough Sunners

Scorpions can exist in most inhospitable places from deserts to rainforests. They can last for almost a year without food and survive great temperature extremes.

Longest Living For Scorpion

Unlike most bugs and arachnids, scorpions live long lives and some species can live up to 25 years in captivity. In wild it is still several years considering the life span of other members of family.

Unique Breathing

Scorpions breathe through their book lungs, which are layers of thin membranes, which are stacked like a book. This enables them to extract oxygen fairly well even in arid parts of the land.

Reproductive Dance

Diploch or, one time Stegobothridae, that of scorpions have this exclusive “courtship dance” activity known as the promenade à deux whereby a masculine and feminine pair up their pincers and rock back and forth to entertain mating.

Excellent Hunters

Scorpions prey on their target with their pincers and use their venom to subdue them. They are able to detect even the faintest vibrations in the soil allowing them to pursue insects and lesser animals in night time.

Diverse Species

Scorpions belong to more than 2000 species across the world! These ranges from tiny, 1 cm scorpions to larger types measuring over 20 cm long.

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