The Psychology of Motivation: How to Stay Driven and Achieve Your Goals

Love Lohiwal

Psychology of Motivation

Find out what keeps you in motion and what tips will help you excel!

What is Motivation?

Motivation can be referred to as the internal factor which pushes a person to action. It is what makes us want to attain our set objectives and become the best version of ourselves that we can be.

Types of Motivation

Motivation can basically be categorized into two types: Intrinsic: Taking action out of love for doing something and for self-satisfaction. Extrinsic: Motivating from neglect compromising in order to gain something, e.g. status, recognition, money.

The Role of Goals

It is important to create actionable and very realistic goals in mind. Goals are the aims of our distribution of resources and activities and serve as orientation maps for one’s efforts’ direction.


Ensure your goals are SMART: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timed This does enjoy higher success rates!

The Power of Positive Thinking

A positive attitude seems to increase the power of motivation as well. Targeting a positive attitude induces one towards action and determines the outcome in attainment of the set goals.

Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination can act as a barrier to one’s motivation. Do not put off the work, just break it into small pieces, and move on with it!

Surround Yourself with Support

Your environment matters! People and events that help inspire you that are constructive and that will not hinder your growth and ambitions should be in abundance.

Do Not Stop Working

Work at being flexible with any new idea that comes forth. One should accept that there is growth and learning takes place on every day which keeps the motivation alive.

Final Words

If you understand the psychology of motivation, you will always remain motivated and accomplish your objectives. Go ahead and begin today, your self tomorrow will indeed appreciate it!

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